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A modern day city scene in top down view. Recommended for shoot em up games but can also be used for scenes that involves cities. Comes in two variants, normal and dark version. 


  • 8 x building tiles (4 normal, 4 dark - around 144 x 144px each)
  • 4  x forest tiles (2 normal, 2 dark - around 144 x 144px each)
  • 16 x road tiles (8 normal, 8 dark - 16px each)
  • 3 x clouds

Please see screenshot for examples between normal and dark. 

Included Files

  • Images in PNG format with transparent background.


  • Feel free to use them in your game projects, both non-commercial and commercial.
  • You CANNOT redistribute or resell this asset (even modified). 
  • You CANNOT use them for physical prints (t-shirts, stickers etc)
  • Credits are not required but very much appreciated. 
  • See here for more information


Get this asset pack and 4 more for $22.00 USD
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$6.00 $5.10 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5.10 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Pixel Art City Background 269 kB

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i don’t even want to make a shooter at the moment, but this work makes me want to!!!!!


I would love you to extend this over time.

(1 edit)

Hi There :) I just purchased the pack but I didn't find the 16 x road tiles (8 normal, 8 dark - 16px each). I only have the "normal-road.png" and the "dark-road.png" assets, is it normal? Thanks..

Sorry for the late reply. I don’t have access to my PC now, will check when I get back.

I just checked my files. Yes, I have only included normal-road.png and dark-road.png.


Thanks for the verification! I was wondering how you were able to superpose building and roads tiles in your file city-sample-1.png since the dimension of tiles are very different between building and road tiles?

I manually adjust them in a software called Aseprite. Checking it again I do noticed that the buildings are not aligned properly within the 16 x 16 grids. I will get them fixed and upload again over the weekend.

Great thanks  for your quick feedback !


Hello there, love the asset pack. In fact, I am using it in a space shooter that I would like to sell on STEAM. I have a question for you. I am wondering if you are okay with me using your asset packs, in combination with other ones from other developers (whose asset packs are also free for commercial use)? I could not really find any information telling me whether I could or not, so I figured asking is the best policy. Thanks...


Hello. No worries. My only restriction is that you can’t resell these assets as a standalone pack. You want to use them for a commercial game? Sure go ahead :) Feel free to combine them with other commercial packs. Cheers.


Great! Thank you!! :)